The Victim-Villain-Hero Relationship Triangle
No matter what system you are a part of – it could be a family business, school, law enforcement agency, board of directors, or even a...
Holding On and Letting Go
Her name is Olivia, Who in her thirties found herself Cleaning private homes for a living, Until she thought there must be a better way....
Is Blame Justified?
Ah, blaming! Few things in life rival the satisfaction of pointing the finger at someone else. There's that exquisite feeling of relief...
Decisions, Decisions: Counter-Intuitive Guidelines When There are No Easy Answers
A hungry donkey, placed in the precise middle between two equally appetizing piles of hay, could not decide which pile to eat from....
"Chicken Fat": Exploring Black and White
People will praise the virtues of chicken fat in soups and stews, but I know better. In my book, chicken fat is both fowl and foul. That...
On Loss, and Compassion
My uncle was 37 when he lost his legs. The sight of him hobbling across the asphalt driveway and into our house, his salt-and-pepper hair...
Elevating People Skills
Despite its advantages, social media often screams with self-absorbed postings, and hyperreactions well outside the bounds of personal...
How Luck Shaped My Life
It had been quite some time since I carefully read the Declaration of Independence, so I recently decided to do so. Like life itself,...
When Beliefs Change: Lessons from Alaska and a Littered Ravine
Let me tell you a story. A few years ago, five of us, including my sons, Nick and Joe, were hitchhiking around Alaska. We wanted...
A Thanksgiving State of Mind
It’s a busy week. Aren’t they all? For me, it’s time to step back. I find that if I don’t take the time to reflect on my desired state of...